A Quantum Leap in Outdoor Living
Triad New Home Guide - Spring 2016
Outdoor living spaces are the new frontier for homeowners in the Triad.
Today’s outdoor rooms may be as simple as a patio or as elaborate as the one pictured here by J. Douglas Homes, but this is only the tip of the iceberg of what is to come.

The porch shown was built by J Douglas Homes and shows how outdoor rooms can be a true extension of your living area.
Traditionally, these elaborate outdoor living areas have been more the domain of arid climates, like Arizona and New Mexico, unpopular habitats for the midge-like flies. Mosquitoes, the scourge of outdoors North Carolina, have ruined many an outdoor party or relaxed summer evening outback.
Now the scientific world has produced arguably one of the most pivotal advancements in our lifetime, changing how we live and interact with the great outdoors. The Triad with its moderate climate may be one of the largest beneficiaries in all of the United States.
The technology is mosquito control. Despite all the remedies of the past 50 years, ranging from citronella candles to bug zappers to a voodoo hex, nothing has been effective…until now with the development of mosquito treatment services. They operate very much like a lawn treatment service, visiting your home periodically to treat your yard.
Matt Beam, who has a biology degree from UNC-Chapel Hill, was so impressed with the science behind the mosquito control technology, he opened his own mosquito service in the Triad, the Mosquito Squad of the Triad. “The effectiveness of the technology to control mosquitoes is incredible,” says Beam. “However, the safety behind the technology is what is important to me. The product we use at Mosquito Squad for mosquito control is completely safe for humans and pets.”
As people learn more about mosquito control services, they realize what a monumental change this brings to outdoor living in the Triad. Until recently, except for the rare moments when the wind was just right, the idea of enjoying a late summer evening in your backyard, while the kids run around, was not possible without covering yourself and the children with sticky, malodorous bug spray. Mosquitoes simply ruined the experience.
The Mosquito Squad has changed all of that. Not only is it now possible to enjoy your outdoors every warm evening; it is an experience available to all. The freedom a mosquito-free yard provides offers many exciting possibilities, and Triad builders are responding. A play area for the kids or a simple patio are an inexpensive and wonderful way to move your living outdoors. Builders are receiving increasing requests for outdoor rooms, including screened porches, outdoor patios with fire pits, and even more elaborate entertainment areas.
These rooms, totally open to the grand outdoors, are complete with large screen TV’s, fireplaces and comfortable furniture, like the J Douglas room pictured here. Elaborate outdoor kitchens may boast griddles for hamburgers or morning pancakes, a gas grill, cooktops, refrigerators, icemakers and just about every thing you need to host an intimate evening with a few friends or a show-stopping garden party.
The only limit to possibilities for an outdoor space is your imagination. The advent of technology to effectively control mosquitoes is a boon to living in the Triad. Seize the opportunity!