All Homes Are Not Created Equal

ENERGY STAR® is the label given by the EPA and the Department of Energy to products that exceed federal energy efficiency guidelines. Homes earn this label if they use at least 30 percent less energy than a home built to the standard energy code.
ENERGY STAR® homes achieve this distinction in five ways, beginning with the design of engineered heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The design takes into account the bends and turns in ductwork, register locations, duct lengths, connections and air flow, all of which results in energy cost savings and more consistent temperatures from room to room.
Air-tight ducts are a second way energy is saved. These are achieved by using straps, collar ties and mastic per third party protocols which translate into lower heating and cooling costs and better air distribution. Energy efficient vinyl windows with specially selective glass are a third way ENERGY STAR homes save money. This window treatment reflects the sun’s energy away from the home in the summer and the furnace’s heat back to the home in winter which reduces fabric fading as well as lowers energy costs.
Quality control is assured because energy features are documented, inspected and retested by third parties. Independent parties also certify that homes carrying the ENERGY STAR label save at least 30 percent more energy than the Model Energy Code requires.